Working with farmers
for farmers to reduce povertyinnovateincrease harvestssupport womencombat climate change
At the Forefront
Discover how myAgro is empowering farmers to overcome climate challenges through sustainable agriculture practices with founder and CEO Anushka Ratnayake’s Dial Fellowship video.
Features & Stories

Out of the Norm: myAgro Breaks Down Barriers to Serving Rural Women
Designing financial products and services that address gendered social norms is not only a win for rural women – it’s also good for business. This is one key takeaway from myAgro’s recent experience in Senegal, where early results from two new pilots suggest that by breaking down normative barriers, the social enterprise can drive up enrollment amongst women and grow its customer base.

“We remain convinced that this collaboration, which is beginning to bear fruit, will allow us to better contribute to the improvement of the income of small producers” – Nathalie Diagne.

Mamadu and Khady, farmers from Lambaye village in Senegal, have always relied on farming as their main source of livelihood to support their large family of seven children. However, in recent years, they have faced significant challenges due to the impact of climate change on their crops.

Bill Gates speaks about “myAgro’s particularly creative approach to helping farmers afford high-quality seeds and fertilizer.”
“The thing that impresses me most about myAgro is their ability to develop trust with their customers.”

“myAgro is a data-reflective organization, continually learning from experiences to redirect efforts towards their North Star ambition”
“myAgro has married an innovative distribution system to its innovative program for a population so often overlooked.”