Abdou Fai is a farmer, father, and husband living in Toubatoul, Senegal who has been working with myAgro since 2017.
He was traveling one day when he saw a myAgro delivery taking place and said that was so impressed by how many people were there that he was inspired to learn more and enroll.
With 20 people in his household, Abdou has a lot of responsibility–he has kids in school, some living in the city, and his farming helps meet their needs because what he grows goes to supporting his family.
Abdou’s farming success has not only created food security for him and his family but another stream of income. He invested in sheep with the money he made from last year’s harvest and says that he now has livestock to sell when he needs to afford things like ceremonies.
Before joining myAgro, Abdou could not afford fertilizer but says that with the little by little payments, affording agricultural material is possible and Abdou encourages others to join myAgro because “they will never be disappointed.”