Papa Diallo is a farmer from Koumaré, a village in the area of Koussanar, Senegal. He lives with his 7 children and 2 wives and has been a farmer his entire life.
Before enrolling in myAgro, Papa and his family were living in a hut where they faced dangerous conditions and threats from wildlife and extreme weather.
When the family began working with myAgro in 2020, they cultivated over 1 hectare, and their successful harvest created enough profits for them to construct a new and improved house for the family. This concrete house provides shelter, safety, and opportunity for the family.He and his family were one of the earliest to enroll with myAgro and recently harvested 110 bags with 2 hectares. Today, Papa is not only a myAgro farmer but also a myAgro Village Entrepreneur and he has helped 48 other farmers join myAgro.“Others in the community were really impressed by our success and many more people enrolled for 2021.”
The Diallo family is setting an example in their village of what can happen when farm productivity increases.