Growing More: How One Farmer is Cultivating a Stronger Community with his Fields

Fana is a small village in Mali filled with lush green trees and farmers working hard to support their families. One of those farmers is Bafing Diabate, a father and farmer who worked hard to pull his family out of poverty. Bafing farms cotton, peanut, and sweet potatoes on one hectare of land, and his different yields were not significant. When myAgro began operating in his area five years ago, their innovative payment method piqued his curiosity, prompting him to invest in myAgro fertilizer with hopes of doubling his yields.
“When I started working with myAgro, it shifted my life in several ways. I could not afford to put rice on the table for my family, and my wives spent most of their time helping me on the farm,” shared Bafing. Now I generate enough income to ensure their good nutrition, and my wives can stay home and take care of the household.”
After using the materials provided by myAgro, Bafing doubled his sweet potato harvest in the first year, increasing it from 10 to 20 bags.
Bafing owns multiple plots of land, allowing him to expand the use of myAgro products across more hectares, resulting in continued growth in his harvests. After enrolling in a maize package, he achieved another significant harvest, tripling his maize production. Initially yielding around 800 kg of cotton, myAgro fertilizer enabled him to harvest an average of one ton and 500 kg of cotton. Consequently, Bafing decided to cultivate cotton on ten additional hectares using myAgro’s inputs, leading him to become a contractor with a national organization that connects him to partners for trading his cotton harvests.
Despite a drought caused by climate change and crop infestations that impacted his peanut and cotton crops, Bafing remained resilient. His positive outlook, coupled with quality seeds, fertilizer, and planting techniques, outweighed the challenges.
“The growth I’ve experienced collaborating with myAgro is immaculate,” Bafing said. “Their input is superior in quality to that of my previous supplier. I generate more yield now, and it’s improved food security for my family, and my income has increased.”
Bafing’s success extends beyond his personal achievements; he has made investments benefiting his entire community. His increased income enabled him to repair his grinder machine, which has been a valuable asset for the community because the machine transforms their grains directly into flour, which they can use to feed their families. He also opened up a shop next to his house, which means that his neighbors don’t have to travel long distances to get convenient goods. Bafing also employs farmers during the harvest season, giving more opportunities to people in his community.
Growing up without access to proper agricultural machinery, Bafing aspired to achieve success to provide for his family and always have the necessary tools. Today, he is a prosperous farmer who owns livestock, a seeder machine, and a tractor, positively impacting his community, all thanks to his hard work and collaboration with myAgro. Despite his current success, Bafing has even more ambitious goals.
“My long term goal will be to invest in real estate and own a big house in the city.”