Fatou Faye is a 44 year old mother of 8 who is relatively new to farming. “Before joining myAgro I had no agricultural training or fertilizers,” she said, which led to poor yields come harvest time. Fatou decided to start working with myAgro in order “to get out of poverty.” By simply implementing the lessons she learned during agricultural training and using high-quality seeds and fertilizers, Fatou has already increased her peanut yield by 138% in just two years of working with myAgro!
“Having good quality inputs, agricultural training, and certified seeds delivered” are just a few of the benefits Fatou attributes to her work with myAgro. She said that before joining myAgro, she couldn’t “buy fertilizer at the expensive price. And the fertilizer is of poor quality in the market.” She highlights that access to high-quality inputs is only part of the equation; knowing how to use them is the key to her success: “Micro-dosing and weeding the field help me get a good yield.” These are a few of the skills that Fatou learned by participating in myAgro’s agricultural training.
Hoping to increase her income even more, Fatou recently decided to start raising myAgro poultry as well. “Poultry farming is easier because with chickens you just need a small place,” she said. But not only does she find poultry farming relatively easy, she also enjoys the quality of chickens she’s able to get through myAgro, pointing out that they “are heavier than other chickens…and when it comes to meat, myAgro chickens are more pleasant to eat.” Fatou found herself with more chickens than her family could eat, so she was able to take the extras to the market to further increase her household income.
Some of the ways Fatou has enjoyed using her additional income include sending her children to school, having more than enough food for her family, and participating in ceremonies with her neighbors. “The payment system little by little has allowed me to have good quality fertilizer,” and she was able to cover the cost of her myAgro package after selling only two bags of peanuts. She also started saving up for her next myAgro package, which she will supplement with her own seeds saved from last year’s harvest!