Breaking Barriers: Arame Faye’s Inspiring Path to Economic Independence
Arame Faye, a mother of six children, is a seasoned farmer who joined myAgro in 2019. With the goal of enhancing their household income, Arame and her husband agreed to join myAgro that same year.Speaking of her accomplishments, Arame proudly mentions, “Last year, I yielded 20 bags of groundnuts.” with a modest investment of 41,000 FCFA, Arame achieved a remarkable return on investment of 334,000 FCFA.
Besides her existing agricultural pursuits, Arame has also embarked on poultry farming. Acknowledging its advantages, she explains, “Engaging in raising chickens brings significant benefits, as it enables cost savings compared to buying them from the market.” Arame then proudly disclosed an impressive 150% return on investment from her poultry venture.
“With my income, I can now take care of our home’s electricity expenses and provide clothing for my children without solely depending on their father,” she shares. Arame also participates in a women’s savings group where she can regularly put some emergency money aside, further emphasizing her financial independence. This newfound autonomy fills Arame with a deep sense of accomplishment in life. She expresses, “By successfully accomplishing tasks and attaining desired outcomes, I find fulfillment in envisioning my children growing up with fewer worries and obstacles than I experienced throughout my own life.”
When discussing the contributions of men and women to the household through agricultural activities, Arame explains, “Men engage in agricultural tasks to provide for the entire family, both within and outside the household. On the other hand, after harvesting their crops, women seize the opportunity to supplement the daily expenses of the immediate family and fulfill their personal needs.” This distinction highlights how women leverage their agricultural yields to enhance their financial capabilities and meet the specific requirements of their households. By maximizing the benefits of their harvests, women are critical players in contributing to the family’s overall well-being while also attending to their own personal expenses.